New Bill to Improve CPS Facilities and Increase Transparency
By Soyoung Kwak in News on Aug 21, 2011 5:30PM
Yesterday, Governor Pat Quinn signed a legislation that would improve school facility planning as well as "increase transparency and accountability in Chicago Public Schools."
With the new bill comes a lot of new measures. The bill requires that CPS to create a 10-year master facility plan to lay out any future school construction projects, and to guarantee teacher, parent, and community involvement in such processes. For instance, the CPS is required to inform the public of any actions it plans on taking by December of each year, and is further required to hold hearings in advance to discuss any proposals, increasing community involvement with the processes at CPS that very much concern members of the public.
Gov. Quinn states that the new law ensures that the community has a role in the development of CPS activities:
“All of our children deserve a 21st century education in a good school,” Quinn said. “I believe the local community should always have a voice in the local decisions that impact them. This law empowers our communities to ensure fair treatment of students in every neighborhood.”
Quinn's sentiments were echoed by State Senators Iris Martinez and Mattie Hunter. The new legislation goes into effect immediately, and we hope that it brings about some much needed positivity for CPS.