Highly Invasive Beetle Found at O'Hare
By Samantha Abernethy in News on Aug 23, 2011 9:00PM
Inspectors at O'Hare Airport discovered Khapra beetle in an agricultural shipment from India last week. The scary little bugger, pictured at right, is typically found hiding out in grain shipments. It can feed on any food product, but it prefers grains. Because of this pest, all grain is quarantined before being allowed into the U.S. The Tribune writes:
The beetle, which is about 2 to 3 millimeters long as an adult and about 5 millimeters long as a larva, is described in the release as "one of the world's most tenacious and destructive stored-produce pests because of its ability to damage grain."According to the Global Invasive Species Database, the Khapra beetle is particularly hardy and is able to hide in crevices and to enter a dormant phase.