Tribune Cuts RedEye Saturday Edition to Cut Costs
By Samantha Abernethy in News on Aug 23, 2011 7:40PM
The Chicago Tribune will cease production of the Saturday edition of the RedEye as of Sept. 3, in an effort to cut costs on production and delivery. "A spokeswoman said resources will be shifted to focus on web experience for weekend readers. "We are focusing on creating a robust online and mobile experience to complement the weekday print edition," said a statement from Tribune Co. Crain's Chicago writes:
The RedEye weekend edition has a circulation of 130,000, the spokeswoman said. (Its five-day circulation is 900,000.) The Saturday edition was all home delivery as opposed to the weekday distribution mainly to honor boxes or handed out free at train stations with less than 1% delivered to homes for $1 per week, she said.A weekend advertising/coupon circular that was delivered along with the RedEye will continue without it.