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Elsewhere in the Ist-a-Verse

By Samantha Abernethy in News on Aug 29, 2011 4:00AM

Courtesy of SFist

SFist is hosting a contentious debate about whether NorCal or SoCal get to claim Fresno. We can't let them decide this one for us. Make your voices heard, SoCalians!

LAist readers loved to hate the local woman fighting the good fight against lost kitty posters in her neighborhood. She brought in a stack of the worst offenders to a neighborhood council meeting, including a poster for a cat that has been lost for three months. She told the council, "Those people should realize that the coyotes got that cat a long time ago."

Gothamist's readers felt the quake, too, and so far its quake story is just a little more popular than its Hurricane Irene stories.

DCist’s week? Oh, no big deal. Just an earthquake, a hurricane, mid-week flash flooding and an epic fail on the new Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. (Even the beer was against us!)

Austinist painted Rick Perry as a gay rights activist (check out their photoshop work and you'll see what I'm saying).

Chicagoist’s readers were very opinionated about Chicago Public Schools’ plan to add iPads to classrooms through a state grant program. Also, Mayor Rahm Emanuel touted his first 100 days in office and he even took the train to work.