Emanuel Praises Schools That Opted In for Longer School Days
By Soyoung Kwak in News on Sep 4, 2011 4:00PM
Yesterday, Mayor Rahm Emanuel defended the decision of three elementary schools agreeing to longer school days and 2 percent bonuses for teachers, praising the schools' actions. Although the "rogue" elementary schools broke their contracts with the Chicago Teachers Union to take up longer school days, Emanuel believes it was the right decision and hopes that more schools will break with the CTU and opt in for the same.
Emanuel was very pleased with the decision of Genevieve Melody Elementary, Skinner North Elementary and the STEM Magnet Academy to extend their school days. Emanuel stated that the decision made by the elementary schools was not only good for the teachers and the schools, but also for the students:
"The teachers did right by their profession and they did right by the children that they teach," Emanuel said while surrounded by several schoolchildren in cheerleading outfits and band uniforms.
The CTU cried foul when they heard the three schools would choose the pay bonuses and longer school days. Maria McManus, STEM Magnet Academy principal, did not directly confront the accusations of the CTU. But she did, however, stand by Emanuel yesterday and stated that the majority of teachers at STEM voted for 40 more minutes of math and reading per school day. According to the Tribune, CPS officials revealed that 76 percent of teachers at STEM voted in favor of extending the school day, 60 percent of teachers were in favor of the school day at Skinner North, and 75 percent agreed to the same at Genevieve Melody.
Even though Emanuel is hopeful that other schools will follow suit, it is unclear whether or not the influence of the three schools will translate positively to other schools.