"Qwikster:" A DVD by Mail Service or a Chocolate Drink?
By Rob Christopher in Arts & Entertainment on Sep 19, 2011 3:20PM
Netflix Co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings sent out an email this morning. "I messed up," it begins. "I owe everyone an explanation." So far, so good, because as everyone knows the recent 60% rate hike went over like a lead balloon.
Unfortunately, Hastings doesn't quit while he's ahead.
He goes on:
It’s hard to write this after over 10 years of mailing DVDs with pride, but we think it is necessary: In a few weeks, we will rename our DVD by mail service to “Qwikster”. We chose the name Qwikster because it refers to quick delivery. We will keep the name “Netflix” for streaming.
Yes: in the near future, "If you subscribe to both services you will have two entries on your credit card statement, one for Qwikster and one for Netflix." Two accounts, two queues.
Unless the goals were to make things more complicated, co-opt a beloved Nestlé mascot, and drive Netflix into the ground, it's hard to understand why the hell they'd do this. Even more baffling, Netflix did not take steps to secure the @Qwikster handle. It's currently owned by a Jason Castillo, whose icon is a pot-smoking Elmo and who recently tweeted, "Bored as shyt wanna blaze but at the same time I don't ugh fuck it where's the bowl at spark me up lls."
Perhaps now really is the time to send those Netflix dollars to Facets.