Tribune Tower Statue Makes Apppearance in New York Drugstore Design
By Chuck Sudo in News on Oct 11, 2011 4:40PM
The Nathan Hale Statue at Tribune Tower. (Image Credit: Joseph Palmer)
But to see it in interior designs for a New York drugstore chain? That's what happened when an intrepid New Yorker looked at a series of sites above a Duane Reade checkout counter and found a photo of Tribune Tower's Hale statue.
Untapped NY and our colleagues at Gothamist were both flummoxed by this. Here, we're used to seeing other cities fill in for Chicago in movies and television. We're kind of numb to it but are getting a chuckle out of the indignation. It is worth pointing out that Duane Reade does have a Chicago connection. Walgreen's bought DR last year in Feb. 2010. Maybe someone in Walgreen's design department thought if the two drugstore chains share a common corporate parent, they can share the same photos of Chicago street scenes cropped to look like they're in Manhattan.