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Some Buffalo Grove Residents are Slow to Embrace Mimes

By Chuck Sudo in News on Nov 3, 2011 4:40PM

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Mimes creep people out, we'll allow. But is a dancing mime worth a call to the police?

That's what happened yesterday in Buffalo Grove when police responded to a call about "a subject in a white mask dancing" at Highland Grove and West Fabish.

The "mime" in question, 19-year-old Sorin Dumitru, told police he had an urge to grab his mask, white gloves and LL Cool J Kangol and get his Jabbawockeez on. Dumitru said, “I don’t like dancing at home inside. It makes me feel happy to dance outside.”

There's nothing in Buffalo Grove's municipal code that prevents someone from dancing in public. But Dumitru decided to take act inside anyway, since he freaked out a few neighbors; those Jabbawockeez masks to look very similar to Michael Myers masks and we're just past Halloween.

To Dumitru we say, Keep the Faith. There's a time to dance.