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Condoleezza Rice Talk at U of C Postponed. Occupy Chicago Celebrates

By Chuck Sudo in News on Nov 15, 2011 5:00PM

2011_11_15_rice.jpg Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is on a book tour that was supposed to bring her to the University of Chicago's International House yesterday for a discussion with her fellow Bush Cabinet member, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. (Paulson now serves as distinguished senior fellow at the U of C’s Harris School for Public Policy Studies.) That appearance was postponed due to a "unforseen scheduling conflict."

And it may just be a scheduling conflict, but that doesn't mean the folks at Occupy Chicago won't celebrate and taking credit for it all the same.

“It looks like our Un-Welcoming campaign worked," says Colette Robicheaux, a University of Chicago student and Occupy Chicago participant. "War criminals like Rice, and those who pushed our economy to the brink of collapse, like Paulson, should face opposition wherever they go, and be held accountable for their crimes against the people of this country. They should be in jail, not on the lecture circuit."

Occupy Chicago also held a rally and general assembly at U of C last night to celebrate the postponement.