Lincoln Park Zoo Lights Sets Attendance Record
By Chuck Sudo in Arts & Entertainment on Jan 3, 2012 11:30PM
We know we said farewell to the holiday lights earlier today, but this is a story that bears mentioning. Lincoln Park Zoo announced about an hour ago that their 2011 edition of their Zoo Lights set a new attendance record.
365,593 visitors basked in the glow of over 2 million lights and new attractions such as a shimmering wall of "water." The unseasonably warm December also had to have played a factor. All of these factors helped spur visits and a record number of marriage proposals at Zoo Lights. At least six ladies received engagement rings during their visits, while would-be fiancés worked with zoo events organizers to get a bit more creative with their proposals than simply getting on bended knee and breaking out rings from their pockets.
The new record was a 33 percent increase of last year and eclipsed the previous record of 324,495 visitors, set two years ago.