Check It Out ... It's Obamstagram!
By Tankboy in Arts & Entertainment on Jan 5, 2012 7:20PM
It looks like President Barack Obama is a card carrying member of the iPhone nation now, because the hippest leader of the free world joined the Instagram photo sharing service this week. The service boast over 15 million users and has taken the art of taking cell phone photos and adding a layer of nostalgia via various filters, thus allowing even the crappiest photographer to create something slightly less crappy. Ah, sentimentality, your powers are strong.
Instagram is currently only available on the iPhone so we're looking forward to the imminent outcry from FOX News anchors of the President's furthering the boundaries of class warfare. Luckily for pundits on the more liberal side of the divide, Instagram is headed to the Android platform so that should even the debate further down the road. And while tere are no official profile pages offered by the service, though you can see the President's recent shots here.
If you're a member of Instagram you can follow the President at @barackobama. We're looking forward to more candid shots from the campaign trail throughout the year, and can't wait to see him shotgun a PBR in Williamsburg while wearing a trucker hat. That's going to be awesome.