Ira Glass Talks Dirty
By Tankboy in Arts & Entertainment on Jan 31, 2012 6:20PM
Photo via Ira Glass' Facebook page
A few months ago Glass shared a story with Marc Maron about getting blackout drunk and we delighted at the notion that the man was indeed mortal (and was capable of gleefully embracing the devil's tonic). This week Glass takes it a step further and co-hosts Dan Savages's Savage Love Podcast answering a wide range of calls seeking rather explicit sexual and relationship advice. Glass field questions of flatulence, non-monogamy done wrong, and the acceptable standard surrounding oral sex. To the latter query Glass shows he is unafraid to question Savage's advice asking, "You really think this is totally cut and dried, like, totally, that's it? Take his cock out of your mouth? At the very last moment?"
This episode even includes Glass' single most important piece of sex advice, but if you want to know that you'll just have to download it and listen for yourself!
DOWNLOAD: Savage Love Episode 276