Chicagoist Represents #TeamBasil On The Mike Nowak Show
By Anthony Todd in Food on Feb 6, 2012 5:40PM
If you haven't cast your vote for One Seed Chicago, maybe this will motivate you. The One Seed Chicago program asks Chicagoans to choose one plant for our fair city in the upcoming growing season. This season's options include Cilantro, Basil and Chamomile, and once the winner is selected, thousands and thousands of free seeds will flood Chicago. But how will you choose? Radio host Mike Nowak invited three advocates on his show this Sunday to hold a republican-primary-debate-style smackdown, and I represented Team Basil.
The full debate is available online, and it's a fun listen. In addition to myself, Jessica Rinks (head of the Forest Park Community Garden) fought for Team Cilantro and Linda Tyson (of Garden Girl) worked on behalf of Team Chamomile. Each had great points, and even though I believe that Basil won the day, I learned some new things about the competitor herbs. Did you know chamomile tea will kill fungus gnats? Or that you can make pesto out of cilantro?
Make sure, no matter who you vote for, that you cast your vote for One Seed Chicago.