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Commercial For MLB 12: The Show Cruelly Imagines A Cubs World Series Win

By Samantha Abernethy in Arts & Entertainment on Mar 6, 2012 8:40PM


The new commercial for MLB '12: The Show shows us what it might be like if the Chicago Cubs ever do figure out how to win a World Series. There are fans screaming in bars and dancing in the streets outside The Wiener's Circle. A man cuts off his playoff beard. "CUBS WIN" is emblazoned on buildings that didn't exist the last time the Cubs were even in a World Series, as fireworks light up the sky behind them.

...And then it's revealed to be nothing but the fantasy of a video game, finishing with a guy crying, XBOX controller in his hands as the El passes by the window behind him.

WARNING: If you're an emotional Cubs fan, this might make you a bit verklempt. But as SBNation writes, "Being a Northside fan also means massive amounts of self-loathing, therefore, I had to watch it. So I did."