Mayor Emanuel Thinks You're All Really Nice
By Prescott Carlson in News on Mar 9, 2012 10:10PM
Mayor Rahm Emanuel displayed a bit of Second City-itis on Friday, as he pitted Chicago's charms against the city of New York. And the one thing he says bests NYC? You.
According to the Sun-Times, a reporter inquired about the recent decision by the White House to move the G-8 Summit from Chicago to Camp David, and rehashed the tired trope that somehow Chicago still has yet to prove that it's a global city.
In response, Emanuel called Chicago "the greatest city in the greatest country."
"It is the most American of American cities," he added. "We have everything that New York has -- except for one thing we got that they don't: really nice people."
He then told reporters to go fuck themselves and stormed off. We kid!
The mayor's little dig at NYC was likely in response to New York Mayor Bloomberg's comments on Thursday during a joint news conference at a meeting of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Bloomberg joked that New York "should have had both" the G-8 and NATO summits, and that he doesn't "know what the problem is" about only the G-8 leaving.
Bloomberg said, "You're being criticized for getting 50 [percent]? You're batting .500. You get in the Hall of Fame."