The Week in Art: March 18-24
By Amy Cavanaugh in Arts & Entertainment on Mar 18, 2012 8:00PM
- Now
>> We recommend that you get tickets for the next iteration of the Salon Series, which features dinner made by X-Marx and a discussion with JC Gabel of The Chicagoan on April 5. The series, run by JC Steinbrunner, combines a dynamic discussion with a cultural leader in the city with a great meal. The tickets are $100 and available here.
- Monday
>> The Book Cellar hosts its monthly Essay Fiesta tonight at 7 p.m. with readings by Vinnie Lacey, J.W. Basilio, and others.
- Tuesday
>> Scholar and media theorist W.J.T. Mitchell discusses The Limits of Photography as part of the Museum of Contemporary Photography's show on ways artists are challenging the medium. The talk is at 6:30 p.m. in Ferguson Lecture Hall.
>> The Museum of Contemporary Art's monthly Internet Superheroes event, held tonight from 6-8 p.m., invites anyone who makes GIFs to bring in their laptops and show them off. GIFs will be displayed for as long as computer batteries last, and artists Eric Fleischauer and Jason Lazarus will discuss the history of the form.
- Thursday
>> The University of Chicago's Emily Teeter discusses why Egyptian art and architecture are immediately recognizable in It's All Old Kingdom to Me—Three Millennia of Continuity in Egyptian Art. The talk, part of the Echo Effect series, is from 6-7 p.m.
- Friday
>> The Indie Horror Film Festival will be held this weekend, with dozens of screenings at The Portage Theater schedule.