The Street Sweepers Are Out
By Chuck Sudo in News on Apr 2, 2012 2:15PM
With April comes spring cleaning and, with that, comes the sometimes welcome, sometimes annoying presence of street sweepers to polish the metaphorical turds that are Chicago's streets, avenues and boulevards.
April 1 normally heralds the arrival of street sweepers but, since April 1 fell on a Sunday, the big blue (sometimes pink, sometimes decked out in the colors of Our Town's sports teams) they're out en masse today.
On residential streets, street cleaning is enforced between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Violators who don't move their cars from the side of the street being cleaned are subject to a $60 fine. On main and metered thoroughfares, the windows may be shorter.
Our friends at The Expired Meter note that the enforcement hours are strict; drivers may be ticketed even if thee street has been swept. So wait until the posted signs announcing the cleaning have been removed before you park.