The Lisa Stebic Case, Five Years Later
By Chuck Sudo in News on Apr 30, 2012 1:30PM
Stacy Peterson's October 2007 disappearance gets more publicity, thanks in large part to the churlishness of her estranged husband Drew. But today marks five years since Lisa Ruttenberg Stebic went missing, and there are no signs of a break in that case.
The Plainfield woman was in the process of divorcing her husband Craig when, according to him, she headed out for a nightly workout on April 30, 2007. A friend of Lisa Stebic's reported her missing May 1, 2007, when she didn't come in to work. Even though Craig Stebic said he thought his wife had gone to the gym, her car was still in the driveway.
Craig Stebic has refused to cooperate with Plainfield police in their investigation. They later named him—and he remains—a person of interest in his wife's disappearance. Craig Stebic's tight lip is a stark contrast to the moth-to-a-flame approach Drew Peterson took to media in the weeks following Stacy Peterson's disappearance.
Possibly the most dramatic aspect of the Lisa Stebic case involved WIND-AM 560 morning co-host Amy Jacobson. Jacobson was working on the Stebic case for NBC5 when CBS2 aired video of her in a bikini at a pool party thrown by Craig Stebic. Jacobson explained that she attended the pool party to get closer to the story. While attending Craig Stebic's pool party (with her kids) may have been questionable judgment, at least, what got Jacobson fired from NBC5 was her sharing information about her interactions with Craig Stebic with Plainfield police.
Jacobson, Craig Stebic and Stebic's sister, Lisa Webb, later sued CBS2 for airing the video of the pool party.
Melanie Greenberg, a spokeswoman for Lisa Stebic's family, told the Sun-Times the family stopped holding public memorials because the grief is too intense. Lisa Stebic's sister, Debbie Ruttenberg, issued a written statement.
"It never gets any better- it’s actually worse than any movie or program. Every moment Lisa is missed. Sleep brings nightmares and daily life remains empty. Possibly the worse addition is that Lisa’s children aren’t able to be in our lives and we aren’t able to be in theirs. How does one totally remove a mother and her family from his own children?"To attempt a life that is worthy, I can only hold Lisa’s memory in the most beautiful light. A light that shines glorious colors and has a unique brightness throughout everyone she touched in her shortened life. This comes from her pure joy and positive energy that radiates within us. Especially within Lisa’s children, Lexi and Zac.
"Our family will always be devastated by our loss, but we remain hopeful for justice.”
Craig Stebic's family refused to comment, and Plainfield police are still hopeful they'll eventually find a break in the case.