Mayor Goose: Photos Of Rahm Emanuel With Children
By Samantha Abernethy in Arts & Entertainment on May 29, 2012 6:00PM
Ah, children. They are the future. They are our greatest natural resource. They say the darnedest things. And they are political pawns. Any political campaign starts with shaking hands and kissing babies. That's because there's something so endearing about a public figure posing with someone who could be a future leader. Someone who wears tiny socks. Someone who wears diapers and smells like poop. Someone who can't even vote for them.
In recent years more than one site dedicated to Barack Obama and kids has popped up, and last year the video of Obama soothing a crying baby went viral. That's because despite our efforts not to fall for the political pandering, babies are just so damn cute. Seriously, tiny socks.
Unlike the photos of Obama with kids, though, there's something odd about the ones of Mayor Rahm Emanuel. We know your schtick, politicians, and we're not falling for it this time. Or at least we're trying. So here are some photos from the mayor's Facebook page, and just for fun, in the spirit of our previous jokes about Emanuel's facial expressions, let's pretend Emanuel is planning to eat the children. If you have a caption idea, leave it in the comments.
Bonus: here's that video of Obama soothing a crying baby.