Seinfeld "Soup Nazi" Food Truck Revels In Both Past And Present
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Jul 25, 2012 7:20PM
Here’s another item from the “strike while the iron is hot” file: there’s a Seinfeld “Soup Nazi” food truck currently on an eight-city tour with a stop at North Avenue Beach Friday, July 27, from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
WCIU-TV, which airs Seinfeld reruns between bad Tyler Perry and Seth MacFarlane shows and The King of Queens, has been publicizing the truck’s appearance, with actor Larry Thomas, who famously played the Soup Nazi on the show, aboard the truck in full costume. Among the menu items listed from the truck’s appearance in Newport Beach, Calif.: the Soup Nazi's mulligatawny soup, Junior Mints, muffin tops, black and white cookies, Twix and Snapple.
WCIU will be giving away show giveaways and people visiting the truck can enter for a chance to win a brand new flat screen TV and a Seinfeld prize pack. Make sure you study the menu close and don’t make eye contact with Thomas.