Huge Field Of Pot Found Off Chicago Area Highway
By Chuck Sudo in News on Oct 3, 2012 2:10PM
Chicago Police discovered a large crop of marijuana plants along the Bishop Ford Freeway Tuesday. A police helicopter discovered nearly 1,000 plants—some as tall as Christmas trees—as it flew over wetlands near Stony Island Avenue between 105th and 108th streets, according to the Sun-Times.
That's a large tract of land, equal to two or three football fields. (The Sun-Times says three; the Tribune two.) Chicago police Lt. Michael Ryle told WGN-TV there was a makeshift "watchman" area so the growers (who are at-large) could guard the plants.
Ryle said the next step is to figure out how to destroy such a large amount of pot after they show off their haul at a news conference today. Don't start forming a line on Stony Island with rolling papers in hand, people.