Here's A Photo From When Streetcars Roamed Chicago
By Chuck Sudo in Arts & Entertainment on Nov 1, 2012 3:50PM
We found this photo of a street car traveling on Halsted Street, between Fulton Market and Hubbard Street, on the CTA's Flickr page. (It's a bottomless rabbit hole of Chicago transportation history.)
The first streetcars in Chicago debuted in 1859 and were horse-drawn. The first cable cars debuted in 1882 and, by 1906, the city's fleet was completely electrified. The bridge this street car is crossing in the photo was wooden and spanned the tracks that now make up Metra's Milwaukee North line. The concrete span that replaced it is now a major headache for motorists during rush hour transits due to the bottlenecks at the six corners intersection of Halsted, Grand and Milwaukee.
CTA is unsure of the date in the photo. Based on the fleet numbers from Chicago Surface Lines listed on Wikipedia and the car number in the photo, we're guessing the photo was taken between 1906 and 1908