Spend Thanksgiving Weekend With Tron
By Rob Christopher in Arts & Entertainment on Nov 19, 2012 4:00PM
Three programs in the ENCOM mainframe, feelin' blue.
There are some movies neigh impossible to be objective about. For us, this is one of them. Yes, we had a plastic lightcycle; and the Tron soundtrack album by Wendy Carols was the first cassette we ever owned. Notwithstanding Daft Punk's exemplary soundtrack, and Michael Sheen's Bowiesque performance, we found Tron Legacy, the sequel, a bit meh. It's really more a remake than a sequel, merely recasting the same story with added CGI (and pointless 3-D) while racing through plot points so quickly that there isn't time to enjoy its unique computer world.
The original Tron has been described as "poky," but that's actually what we like about it—the story is so simple and straightforward that one can just sit back and drink it all in, and seeing it in eye-popping 70mm at the Music Box means there'll be even more to see. Sounds like pretty much the perfect thing to do while digesting all that leftover turkey.
Tickets are $9.25; the Music Box is at 3733 N. Southport Ave.