Southwest Announces Service From Chicago To Branson
By Rob Christopher in News on Nov 27, 2012 4:20PM
Another pair of gloves? Another bottle of perfume? Another item from the "dad gadget" section at Marshall's? Past the age of 40, who needs another damn thing for Christmas? It's a well-known fact that the more years one's relatives spend on this earth, the harder it is to find them a suitable Christmas gift.
As luck would have it, whether consciously or not, Southwest has just solved this conundrum by announcing new nonstop service from Chicago to Branson, Missouri beginning in March.
So for Spring Break, why not send grandma and grandpa to Branson? The town puts the show in Show Me State, and with a flying time of just over 90 minutes, in no time at all they'll be ready to hit the buffets (and there are lots of buffets) as well as a show at one of the 50 theaters in town.
Of course, Branson does have its seedy side ...