Have Some Pizza With Your Beer!
By Anthony Todd in Food on Dec 26, 2012 3:30PM
Pizza and beer is a much-beloved combination. However, until Tom and Athena Seefurth came along, we never thought that the combination would be taken to its logical conclusion. The two of them invented "Mamma Mia! Pizza Beer," and it's getting them a lot of attention. Better yet, the Sun-Times reports that it'll be available in local Jewel stores starting in 2013.
The Seefurths told the Sun-Times' Mike Danahey how the strange-sounding brew came to be.
"Tom Seefurth wanted to use some tomatoes and herbs he and his wife, Athena, had grown during the summer of 2006 in Kane County, and he ended up making the first batch of the strange brew that became Mamma Mia! Pizza Beer."
The beer is made with everything you'd find in pizza (except the cheese): tomatoes, garlic, basil and oregano. It could also be called "pasta sauce" beer or "italian grandma" beer, but we suspect pizza sells better. It certainly has gotten them a ton of attention; they've been on CNBC, Leno, The Today Show, 190 North and many other media outlets. but this is the first time the product will be carried at Jewel. The beer is also available at Chicago-area Whole Foods markets.
You can bet that this will be a Chicagoist beer of the week for 2013. At least, if we can convince (order? beg?) Jason to drink it.