Work To Begin Next Year On Damen-Fullerton-Elston Intersection
By Chuck Sudo in News on Apr 11, 2013 7:30PM
City plans to reconfigure the six-corner intersection at Damen, Fullerton and Elston Avenues have been public for a couple years at this point. Finally next year the project to untangle the intersection so that it doesn’t resemble a Gordian knot during rush hour and weekend commutes begins.
The Chicago City Council approved a measure to acquire properties around the intersection under eminent domain so that construction can begin in earnest. The properties are located between 1875-2002 W. Fullerton Ave., 2357-2501 N. Damen and 2301-2447 N. Elston Ave. Tax Increment Financing funds would be used to acquire the properties, which fall within or adjacent to the North Branch Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District.
The project would making right-of-way improvements that eliminate or ameliorate traffic congestion and improve the synchronization of traffic signals at all of the six-way intersections, as well as other applicable intersections. Plus, Elston will be re-routed so that it intersects and curves north of Fullerton and intersects Damen. (We’ve included an updated rendition of what the intersection would look like below.)
An estimated 70,000 vehicles pass through this intersection daily. It consistently ranks among the top five intersections in Chicago for traffic accidents and, when congestion is at its peak, it can take up to seven minutes for a driver to make a turn.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel praised the project as a job creator, as well as one of traffic safety. Nearly 100 construction jobs are expected to be created when the reconfiguration gets underway.
An updated view of what the Damen-Fullerton-Elston intersection would look like after the project is completed. (Photo credit: City of Chicago)