Hot Dog! Wrigley Field Among The Most Vegetarian-Friendly Ballparks
By Melissa Wiley in Food on Jun 27, 2013 4:40PM
Forget the Cubs’ play on the field for a moment. Wrigley Field just scored one for herbivores, ranking tenth on PETA’s list of most vegetarian-friendly ballparks among Major League stadiums. This marks the second time since 2009 that Wrigley's meatless menu has cracked the top 10.
New this year to the ballpark's menu are a veggie hot dog and chopped salad. Vegetarian options that continue to go the distance, even when the Cubs don’t, include veggie burgers and the "Sloppy Jane," a tempeh-based barbecue sandwich.
Garnering the top spot on PETA's list for the second year in a row is Philadelphia’s Citizens Bank Park, which offers fans a choice of faux-chicken patties, chicken-steak, and pit beef smothered in barbecue sauce as well as grilled cheese and crab-free crab cake salads.
Farther afield, U.S. Cellular Field earned an honorable mention for its veggie burgers, meat-free burritos, and corn on the cob. PETA also recently named Chicago the fifth most vegan-friendly city in the U.S., citing local vegan haunts like the Chicago Diner and Urban Vegan.