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Andrew Mason Releases Tracklist & Cover To Motivational Business Album

By Amy Cavanaugh in News on Jun 29, 2013 6:00PM

2013_06_28_masoncover.jpg We learned last month that former Groupon CEO Andrew Mason would be releasing an album of “motivational business music.” Yesterday, Mason posted the track listing and album cover on his blog. The album is called Hardly Workin' and Mason says it's music "to help people get ahead in the workplace."

The album will be available on iTunes, Spotify, etc.—we're not sure if "etc." means vinyl, CD, or just other online music sources—on Tuesday. According to Mason, it's "just in time for American audiences to incorporate into Fourth of July festivities."

Here's the track list:

Look No Further
The Way to Work
My Door is Always Open
Risin' Above the Pack
It's Up to Us

We can't wait to hear this.