Emanuel's Fighting Reputation Precedes Him In T-Shirt Form
By Chuck Sudo in Arts & Entertainment on Jul 2, 2013 3:20PM
During his time in office, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been largely successful at keeping his vaunted temper in check and away from public consumption. His actions in office, however, still have a "my way or the highway" air about them. From the ongoing mess at Chicago Public Schools, to his "do as I say, not as I do" nods to transparency to his administration's penchant for government via press release, Emanuel's moves may be subtle but they still scream "fuck you" if you listen closely.
The portrait features Emanuel's abbreviated middle finger, partially lost in a policy argument with an Arby's meat slicer when he was a kid. (Actually, it was the ensuing blood poisoning from a swim in Lake Michigan.) You can own the image above by artist Dave Rucins in t-shirt form. Logan Square shop Wolfbait and B-Girls sells the shirt for $24. Co-owner Shirley Kienitz told Chicagoist the shirt is always in stock.