Interactive Map Allows Bicyclists To Report Accidents In Real-Time
By Chuck Sudo in News on Aug 16, 2013 8:40PM
Here’s a handy tool for bicyclists to report accidents and near-misses while riding the streets. Personal injury and accident attorney Matt Willens has created this cool interactive bike accident map where cyclists can self-report the details of accidents and doorings in real time.
The map includes a heat index indicating whether an accident resulted in minor or serious injury or when a cyclist has been killed. Willens’ team included fields allowing bicyclists to enter circumstances that may have contributed to an accident such as weather, lighting or surface conditions.
Willens says the biggest improvement over previous maps is that ability bicyclists may now include close call or near miss data. This can be shared among cyclists and may be used future design plans and infrastructure updates. “As more accidents and near misses get reported, the heat map will provide visual representation to identify the areas with the largest number of incidents, and maps can be created specifically for a particular type of accident,” Willens says.
Check out the map and tinker around with it here.