Extra Extra: Steve Harvey Attempts A Matchmaking World Record
By Chuck Sudo in News on Sep 12, 2013 11:00PM
The season premiere of Steve Harvey's syndicated talk show will see if the host with the gaudy suits and chiclet teeth can set a world record by setting up 654 singles at Navy Pier while Michael Buble croons. That sounds so awful. [Huffington Post]
Developers for that proposed Hyde Park Whole Foods pushed back the start of the project by a year but promised the store would be open by 2015. [DNAInfo Chicago]
Alan Lake gathers everything you need to know about garlic in one nice Tumblr. [Garlic Manifesto]
Remember those 36,000 handheld fans Chicago Public Schools distributed to students to fight the heat Wednesday? A first-grader got one caught in her hair. [Sun-Times]
Mike's Hard Lemonade is opening its corporate headquarters on the Near West Side. [IGNN]
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