Wrong-Way Driver Stopped On Dan Ryan, Another Crashes On Eisenhower Expressways
By Chuck Sudo in News on Sep 17, 2013 3:50PM
Is there a time of year where motorists decide to drive against traffic on area expressways and streets because we seem to be in the midst of another spate of these incidents.
The latest involved motorists on the Dan Ryan and Eisenhower expressways early Tuesday morning. The first incident was on the Ike, where two men were taken into custody when they crashed a car near Racine. Their little adventure began when they were driving northbound on the Dan Ryan’s southbound lanes near 26th Street, then merged onto the Ike where they drove west on the eastbound lanes. The driver of the car crashed into a barrier after trying to use an on-ramp to exit. One of the two fled the scene but was later caught.
The second incident occurred moments later on the Dan Ryan where a woman driving a minivan was spotted driving north in the southbound lanes near the Chicago Skyway. Illinois State Police managed to stop her before she went any further.
Alcohol is believed to be involved in both incidents.