Catholic Charities Rejects Kuma's Corner Donation
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Oct 7, 2013 7:40PM
Here’s the latest in the Kuma’s Corner "Ghost Burger" controversy: Catholic Charities said Monday it would not accept the $1,500 donation offered by the heavy metal-themed restaurant in response to the criticism received by their October special. The burger features a red wine reduction and an unconsecrated communion wafer atop 10 ounces of ground beef, slow braised goat shoulder, aged white cheddar and ghost pepper aioli.
Tribune curmudgeon John Kass reported the news Monday. Catholic Charities spokeswoman Kristine Kappel said in a statement the group has yet to receive the donation and wouldn’t accept it anyway, citing the outrage of Catholics and other Christians over the symbolism of the red wine reduction and communion wafer as the blood and body of Christ. (The Burger of Christ compels you.)
"Communion is a central part of the Catholic faith," Kappel said. "We strongly urge Kuma's to discontinue selling a burger that disrespects that faith and the faith of all Christians."
Kuma’s Corner management could have simply stopped with the statement explaining why they name their burgers after metal bands and general manager Luke Tobias already said the "Ghost Burger" would stay on the menu for the remainder of October. Hopefully all this is settled and Kuma’s can get back to possibly creating a November special that symbolizes the European settlers’ chasing the Native American tribes’ across the continent. Call it the “Trail of Tears”—10 ounces of bison cooked to order and topped with a corn relish and served on a sweet potato fry bread bun.
Chicago Restaurant Kuma's Corner Has Burger With Communion Wafer, Red Wine Reduction
Kuma's Corner Releases Statement, Donates to Catholic Charity After Communion Burger Uproar