Next Releases All 2014 Menus
By Anthony Todd in Food on Nov 18, 2013 8:00PM
Photo courtesy of Next
We revealed last week that Next would begin 2014 with a stint as an old-school Chicago steakhouse. Today, Next sent the rest of its menus to its season ticket holders. It's going to be a year of noodles and nostalgia.
The menu after steakhouse? Chinese: Modern.
Noodles, buns, dumplings, seafood, poultry, pork -- all the basics could be covered. Chinese cuisine typically favors small portions of each dish but many bites, not unlike many of the menus at Next. But while we honor the ingredients and traditions, we will bring a unique Modernist attitude to this menu. Recognizably Chinese... recognizably Next.
After Chinese comes Trio, an homage to Achatz's former home.
Approaching the 10 year Anniversary of Alinea in 2015, our Grand Menu for the year will revisit the Tour de Force Menu that chef Achatz served on January 20, 2004...A unique retrospective on the nascent ideas that became an identifiable cuisine... as well as a few 'classics' that were long ago put on the shelf, this menu will transport diners back to a great time in chef Achatz' career.
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