Video: CTA Train Operator Scolds A Passenger About Platform Safety
By Chuck Sudo in News on Nov 20, 2013 2:40PM
CTA train operators often use their public address systems to inform rush hour riders there’s another train “directly behind this one,” to “stand clear of the doors” and to let riders know of any equipment malfunctions or failures. Rarely have we heard an operator use his PA to scold a rider about passenger safety.
But that’s what this video captures in full glory as a Brown Line train operator scolds a passenger for not holding a child’s hand as the train is entering the station. “This train is doing 35 (mph) coming in,” the operator says. “So it makes logical sense when you’re on a platform with a child that young that you would hold their hand.”
We have to ask: how rambunctious must the child have been on the platform for the train operator to publicly call out the parent?
And thanks to the one-man Greek chorus for making it clear the train operator is “scolding somebody;” we wouldn’t have figured it out this early in the morning.