Baconfest Chicago 2014 VIP Tickets On Sale Today
By Anthony Todd in Food on Dec 2, 2013 3:25PM
Can you believe it's already that time again? Porcine glory (or overly decadent silliness, depending on your point of view) has returned to Chicago, as Baconfest releases a limited number of tickets at 10:00 a.m. today.
These aren't the coveted general admission tickets. Instead, these are special VIP tickets. They're more expensive, but you get in a whole hour early and don't have to fight with the pork-smeared masses to get your bites. If you're a real fan, it might be worth the $200 per person that these tickets will run you.
Plus if you have a bacon fan in your life, can you think of a more amazing holiday present?
You'll also have to trust that Baconfest will throw as good an event as always, since they haven't released the chef lineup. This year Baconfest is split into three parts, Friday night and Saturday morning and evening, April 25 and 26. Organizers promise that each shift will have a good mix of chefs, but if there's a particular chef you don't want to miss, you might want to pass on this.