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PAWS Chicago Holiday Adopt-A-Thon Starts Tomorrow

By Lisa White in News on Dec 5, 2013 10:30PM


Are you looking to add a new fuzzy friend to your family this holiday season? Then head over to the PAWS adoption center for their 36-hour adoption marathon this weekend, where their goal is to find new homes for nearly 200 homeless pups and cats while spreading their message of adoption and pet awareness.

If you are ready for the responsibility of a new furry friend and have the means to support them, we encourage everyone to adopt and we appreciate and love the commitment that PAWS gives to local homeless pets in the Chicago area. We also promise you'll get a ton of adorable Christmas morning moments with a new friend helping unwrap your gift. Animals playing in a pile of wrapping paper and bows is up there with babies doing the same for maximum holiday cuteness.

And before you head over you can check out some of the adorable dogs and cats that will be making an appearance during the event. They have a wide range of ages and breeds, from puppies and kittens to older pets. You can bet that if our apartment building allowed dogs, we'd have a new friend under our Christmas tree come Saturday afternoon. Head over here to check out the dogs and here to check out the cats.

The PAWS 36-hour Holiday Adopt-A-Thon is tomorrow, Dec. 6 at 11 a.m. until Saturday Dec. 7 at 11 p.m. at their Adoption & Humane Center, located at 1997 N. Clybourn Ave.