La Creperie Re-Opening Tonight Dec. 20
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Dec 18, 2013 5:35PM
Update 12/18/2013 4:35 p.m.: Chicagoist received an email fro la Creperie manager Danielle DiBianco this afternoon stating the information on the restaurant's Facebook page was incorrect. La Creperie plans to re-open Dec. 20.
Good news for fans of La Creperie in time for the holiday vacation period. The restaurant announced on its Facebook page it is re-opening at 5 p.m. tonight. (DNAINfo Chicago was the first media outlet to write a story on the re-opening.)
The Lakeview mainstay was set to close in August as owner Germain Roignant and his wife were retiring and their son Jeremy was moving to Los Angeles. Jeremy Roignant died of a heart attack soon after the announcement and just before the restaurant closed, but the owners of the Duke of Perth bought the restaurant and Germain Roignant had a change of heart and agreed to stay on as a partner.