Today's Weather: Double Dip
By Chuck Sudo in News on Dec 22, 2013 3:00PM
Good Morning, everyone on the penultimate Sunday of 2014 and we spy some light snow beginning to fall outside Chicagoist's Bridgeport headquarters as this post is being written. The snow is a welcome change of pace after nearly three days of rain ranging from piss drizzle to the downpours we and others at Zoo Lights had to deal with last night.
The snow is the least of our worries, although Skilling Central's forecast calls for flurries in the afternoon. The North side will be hit the hardest (such as it is) with up to an inch of snow in the forecast. If you're near the Wisconsin state line, you're going to get more. What should concern us is the drop in the mercury. The high temp is expected to reach around 30 degrees today before slowly falling beginning mid-morning (according to Accuweather we've already exceeded that forecast high), winds are gusting from the northwest up to 25 mph and overnight lows will hit the the teens. That means all that slop we've been walking around the past few days will begin to freeze, making commutes a bit hazardous.
Moving into the holiday week highs are expected in the teens—Monday is going to be brutal. Christmas may not be white but it will definitely be blue.