Here's A Look At The Other End Of The Dibs Spectrum
By Chuck Sudo in News on Jan 13, 2014 5:00PM
It's currently 43 degrees outside. That and the weekend's rains did what Streets and San was largely unable to last week: clear the streets for passage. This means the dibs threat level is back to green and I'm on the hunt for new lawn furniture for my backyard.
Please clear your shit from the street before Streets and San does, regardless of how classy they are.
The photo above has been making the rounds and shows the typical Chicago response when someone else claims the parking spot you spent hours shoveling. This car at 26th Street and Wallace Avenue was found guilty of the most egregious of Chicago winter sins and paid most of the price; if the person who shoveled out the spot was feeling testier he or she may have iced the whole pile down.
This is a reminder that not everyone is as benevolent and generous of spirit as Jamie Lynn Ferguson.