Chicagoans Complained About Dibs In The First Week Of January
By Chuck Sudo in News on Jan 17, 2014 3:00PM
After a couple mild winters Chicago has gotten dibs crazy again in 2014. (The Dibs threat level is currently green, by the way. Get your ca-ca off the streets.)
All the snow and cold we’ve been experiencing has led to a higher rate of dibs as well as dibs complaints. The city’s 311 center logged more than 200 complaints of dibs in the first week of January. Items residents used to claim parking spaces included the standard buckets, boxes and crates. RedEye obtained 311 call center data via the Freedom of Information Act and found other items included baby furniture, water jugs, tires, trash cans and miscellaneous detritus. We know about the table for four set up in Portage Park. On my block other dibs included office and kitchen chairs, hobby horses, a child’s backyard playset and a grill set out by my next door neighbor I’ll be using to cook a tri tip roast and some potatoes this evening.
The Chicago area is set to receive 3-6 inches of snow Saturday (which was left out of the weather post) so expect to see these back on the streets by Sunday.