PETA Responds To Publican Response, Asks Them To Serve Fake Meat
By Jon Graef in Food on Jan 18, 2014 8:15PM
Photo courtesy of Publican Quality Meats Facebook page
The whole thing is perhaps starting to resemble a classic hip-hop battle. After Publican/Publican Quality Meats wrote a social media response to a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) ad placed in close proximity to the restaurant, WBEZ's Monica Eng reported that the animal rights organization responded to that response with a response of its own.
PETA president Ingrid E. Newkirk wrote that in a letter that while Publican “opened the door for a respectful conversation about what we eat," it was imperative that the restaurant add a
“vegan, faux-meat dish to the menu.”
Publican itself wrote that "[a]s an organization it is our priority to be inclusive to all" and that the restaurant offers "a variety of vegetarian and vegan options featuring high quality ingredients and thoughtful execution." Publican concluded by saying that they look forward to a "continued positive relationship."
So they've got that going for them, which is nice.