Lights, Camera, Action! Hollywood Photographer Peter Sorel Opens Show in River North
By Marielle Shaw in Arts & Entertainment on Feb 14, 2014 4:00PM
Peter Sorel went on a journey. A reverse of the regular Route-66, convertible and California dreaming one we see so often on the silver screen. Instead, the Hungarian-born, lifelong photographer has come from Hollywood to Chicago, where he settled in 2008 to focus on more personal work. The artist plans on showing a variety of works that document that journey at the Hilton Asmus Contemporary starting Feb. 20.
Sorel is well known for his arresting photos in the film world, creating iconic images for movies we know and love, like Easy Rider, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and The Blues Brothers. But when he’s not on a mission from God (or the film industry) he’s on his own mission, which has produced work that ranges from classic portraits to surreal nudes and abstract landscapes. More than 30 images will be displayed at the Hilton, including previously unseen portraits of well-known actors and actresses like Annette Benning, Clint Eastwood and Orson Welles. The opening reception with the artist will be held from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the 20th. The show itself will run through April 14.
This is a great chance for film buffs to see some of the work they know and love and at the same time get a taste for his whole portfolio. It promises a great range of things to see and we’re looking forward to seeing what’s to come.