Today's Weather: Spring Forward (Even If Spring Isn't Here)
By Chuck Sudo in News on Mar 8, 2014 3:00PM
Friday's mild temperatures had the city jonesing for more (and breaking Chicago's streets out in another rash of potholes). Today's forecast won't be as rosy but we will reach another marker on our death march to spring when we set our clocks ahead an hour tonight for the onset of Daylight Savings Time. While we were grousing about the weather the sun has been setting later and later every day to the point where there's now daylight is still seen well past 5:30 every evening.
It's the little things, people.
We will spring forward while enduring temperatures in the mid-30s and a chance for snow early in the day. Okay, "enduring" sounds too pessimistic. Let's say "embracing" because, like Persephone, we're pulling away from this winter whether Hades wants us to or not.