Extra Extra: Groupon Raising Money To Replace Andersonville Water Tower
By Jon Graef in News on Mar 22, 2014 9:00PM
- Groupon is raising money to replace Andersonville's water tower, which became another victim of Chicago’s brutal winter of 2013-14. [Groupon]
- DNAinfo has a wonderful piece on making the best out of a bad situation, focusing on a group of moms in mourning that have formed a group to support mothers and join forces after their children have been murdered. [DNAinfo]
- Which fish in Lake Michigan are safe to eat and how much of them can we eat? [WBEZ]
- Wonder Bread is returning to Chicago. [Trib]
- Chicago Magazine has a deeper look at all the great things Wonder Bread did before being hated by health fans across the nations. [Chicago Magazine]
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