Award-Winning Bartender Alex Kratena In Residency At Travelle
By Melissa McEwen in Food on Mar 26, 2014 6:00PM
Image Courtesy of Travelle
Kratena has created a menu of special cocktails for the tour based on the cities he is visiting. Chicago’s is called “Back To The Future” and features Talisker whiskey, port, sherry, citrus, cacao and raspberry.
He will also host a special cocktail class called “Anything and Everything” from 5 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 27. Attendees will learn how Kratena goes from inspiration to a finished drink and how they can do the same with interactive mixing and tasting.
In London, Kratena is the head bartender at The Langham. Some of his awards include “International Bartender of the Year” at Tales of the Cocktail in 2012 and “Best European Bar” at The Cocktails & Spirits Awards in Paris.
Travelle is located at 330 N. Wabash Ave. The mixology class is $50 per person and space is limited. For reservations, call 312-923-7632.