Extra Extra: Teens Brighten A Lousy Primary Voter Turnout
By Chuck Sudo in News on May 8, 2014 11:00PM
- The bright spot in March's lousy 16 percent voter turnout in the primary elections? The number of teens who cast votes outnumbered other age groups. Democracy is secure, everyone. [Sun-Times]
- CTA says thefts and robberies on their trains and buses are down significantly. [Tribune]
- The Trib makes a jab at the Mayor, saying Emanuel's arrogance exceeds his administration's accomplishments. [Tribune]
- Only in Indiana: a drunk, fired employee steals forklift on his birthday. [ABC 7]
- Juareez High School in Pilsen is being investigated for possibly fudging attendance records to get out of probation. [DNAInfo Chicago]
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