CTA Employee Charged With Making Homemade Explosives
By Chuck Sudo in News on Jun 9, 2014 4:40PM
A bus mechanic for Chicago Transit Authority has been arrested and charged with selling explosives to an undercover federal agent.
John Hegarty, 34, is accused of selling over 700 “flash powder” devices to the agent, who told Hergaty he planned to blow up a restaurant and a car. Hegarty allegedly sold the agent the devices between August 2012 and May 2014 at a Metra station near the Edison Park home he shared with his parents. Flash powder is used to make legal fireworks as well as illegal explosives. Tom Ahern, spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said Hegarty admitted to making them in his garage. “The inherent danger is obvious to himself and his neighbors,” Ahern added.
The ATF first learned about Hegarty after an informant who was looking for leniency on an unspecified charge approached agents saying Hegarty was setting off illegal explosives at a party on the West side. That informant received $2,000 from the government and a reduced sentence. Authorities seized 14 guns, 1,000 rounds of ammunition and 50 pounds of flash powder when they arrested Hegarty Friday. Hegarty was released on a $10,000 recognizance bond.