Chicago Tribune Passed On Running Infamous George Will Column
By Jon Graef in News on Jun 22, 2014 7:00PM
According to liberal watchdog site Media Matters, Bruce Dold, editorial page editor for the Chicago Tribune, said the paper declined to run George Will's infamous column about sexual assault survivors and what Will described as "the supposed campus epidemic of rape."
(For which, it should be said, Will faced a rightful shitstorm which continues in the form of a CNN column published yesterday).
Dold told Media Matters that the Tribune, which, it should be noted, will continue to publish Will, unlike the St. Louis Dispatch, who dropped the conservative columnist like third period French, "turned down Will's column after reading it."
Per Media Matters:
"I thought the column was misguided and insensitive," Dold told Media Matters Thursday. "We didn't publish it. Marcia Lythcott, the Op-Ed editor, made that decision and it was the right call."The paper has no plans to abandon Will permanently, however.
"That doesn't mean we pulled Will for that week, though. We don't anchor syndicated columnists," Dold explained. "We run George Will on occasion. I checked our archives and it looks like we've run him four times in the past year. We will continue to consider him on a column by column basis, as we do with other syndicated columnists we buy."
So there you have it. We only wish certain other hometown papers used a similar sense of judgment recently regarding ignorant op-eds.