Extra Extra: Garrett Popcorn Offers 65-Cent Garrett Mix All Week
By Chuck Sudo in News on Sep 17, 2014 10:45PM
- The best food deal in town this week: Garrett Popcorn is offering 65-cent bags of Garrett Mix from 10 a.m. through 1 p.m. The deal ends Friday. [DNAInfo Chicago]
- Carly Rousso was sentenced to five-year and four-year prison sentences, to be served concurrently, for huffing computer cleaner while driving and crashing into a 5-year-old girl in 2012. [Sun-Times]
- NBC 5 and WGN, in their rush to be first with the story, reported the sentencing wrong. [Robert Feder]
- Ben Joravsky mulls over the merits of a mayoral runoff election. [Reader]
- Cartoonist Chris Ware debuted a new comic in The Guardian. [The Guardian]
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